Perfect Pizza Pocket for a Perfectly Picky Little Boy

Trying to think of something that my kindergarten boy will eat is quite a challenge. He eats peanut butter and jelly on only white bread, hot dogs, cereal, most kinds of meat and most kinds of desert. That’s about it. I’ll whip us something that the rest of the kids will just woof down and he won’t touch it. We have to have a complete separate list of choices for him at each meal because chances are he won’t eat anything.. He’ll just run off and play.

Now I know what you are thinking. You think that we have let our kindergarten boy take over. He’s calling all the shots. Right? Well you are right. Since we don’t want him to starve we have given in. We just want him to eat, something, anything. Cause if it ain’t good he ain’t eatin it.

I’ve tried the firm approach. This is where I make him sit at the table until he eats something. This never works. Probably because I’m not willing to sit there all night watching him. So the next thing I know he’s running around the house with the rest of the kids and I’m right in the middle of an important television show or something.

I’ve also tried the “eat or no dessert” routine but he doesn’t care. He would rather go without dessert than have to try something that doesn’t look right.

I heard about a dad that just let his boy starve until he was ready to eat what they were serving. After three or four days he was ready to eat anything. I have a tough time with that one. Besides he knows where the peanut butter and jam are and the other kids would just feed him under the table like they do the cat.

Yesterday I was off from work so I fixed a bunch of bacon and sausage and whipped up some pancakes from scratch. My kindergarten boy just tore into it. He loves bacon and sausage and pancakes. At one point he had gathered up all his bacon and sausage in one hand and was using his other to shove pancake into his mouth. I think he was trying to keep the syrup off of the meat. He wouldn’t mind having that for every meal.

I also had planned a dinner that he would eat. I was going to make homemade pizza pockets. Every kid loves pizza pockets right? Well I was hoping.

So I got all the ingredients together. First I browned off about three pounds of hamburger with a chopped onion and some green pepper that I pulverized in the blender. If he doesn’t see it he won’t know it’s there. After the meat was browned I added 2 small 6 oz cans of tomato paste and 2 small cans of tomato sauce and two spaghetti seasoning packets. I jazzed it up with a little garlic powder, Italian seasoning, salt and a little Tabasco. Then I grated some mozzarella and cheddar cheese (about 1 1/2 pounds).

While I was fixing the meat my wife Vickie was making the dough. She mixed 12 cups of flour, 2 tablespoons of salt, 4 cups evaporated milk, and 2 cups water. Then let it sit for 15 minutes. Makes about 36 pizza pockets.

Once the dough was ready Vickie rolled out these flat little oblong circles of dough where I placed about a tablespoon or so of the meat mixture, some cheese and 2 little pepperoni slices and then folded it over and sealed the edges with a floured up fork. Then I dropped 2 or 3 of them into the fat fryer for about 3 minutes or until the pizza pockets were beginning to brown.

They turned out great. Of course Ben my little kindergartner wouldn’t touch his. I don’t know what was wrong with it. I’m not sure what he ended up eating last night. I’m off this morning, as of this very writing, and I suppose I’ll cook up some bacon, sausage and pancakes before he goes off to school.


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